Dar al-Kalima Technical Community College

About Dar al-Kalima Technical Community College

Dar al-Kalima Technical Community College is one of the colleges of Dar Al-Kalima University, and it includes twelve distinct technical/vocational specializations for the associate and professional diploma degrees. Through its programs, the college seeks to graduate students with ethical competencies capable of meeting the needs of the labor market through effective partnerships with local and international institutions. The college also works to achieve several goals, most important the active contribution to preserving the identity of the Palestinian society, enhancing employability, and raising the economic standards.


Our vision

Upgrading the college to be one of the distinguished colleges in its specializations, changing the concept and culture of technical and vocational education, and improving the mental image of the Palestinian society regarding this type of education.


Our mission

Providing technical and vocational training programs in the fields of arts and culture for all segments of society by building effective partnerships with the private sector and the local and international community and graduating a student capable of engaging in the labor market and competing locally and internationally. 


The faculty main objectives are:

- Spreading the Palestinian culture which contributes to creating an educated generation, aware of the common values ​​of goodness, beauty and kindness.

- Providing high quality programs that keep pace with the scientific and technological development and preserve the Palestinian identity and heritage.

- Providing the student with the knowledge and skills required by his professional specialization in accordance with the foundations and standards of the labor market that qualify him to obtain a suitable job.

- Providing society with professionals who can contribute to the development of the national economy on both the private and public level.

- Preparing graduates aware of the reality of the labor market and its changes.

- Building strategic partnerships with the business sector.

- Providing a safe and stimulating environment for study and training at the college.

- Developing the capabilities and skills of the teaching and administrative staff.

- Providing continuing education programs that increase the chances of obtaining a job.

- Spreading awareness of the importance of technical and vocational education and emphasizing its role in the prosperity of society.


Academic Programs:

*Associate Diploma Programs


Professional Diploma


Message of the Dean

Rose Kando - Dean of Dar al-Kalima Technical Community College



Contact Us

Phone: 02-275 7028

Email: rkando@daralkalima.edu.ps



